Aukro WebAPI


This method allows to load a full list of delivery methods available in the selected country.

  1. countryId | Integer | required
    Country identifier (a list of country identifiers can be loaded using the doGetCountries method).
  2. webapiKey | String | required
    User's WebAPI key.
  1. shipmentDataList | ShipmentDataStruct[]
    Array of structures containing information on available delivery methods.
    1. shipmentId | Integer
      Delivery method identifier.
    2. shipmentName | String | required
      Delivery method name.
    3. shipmentType | Integer
      Type of payment method (1 - payment in advance, 2 - COD).
    4. shipmentTime | ShipmentTimeStruct | required
      Structure containing information about time of delivery set by a carrier suitable for the selected method of delivery.
      1. shipmentTimeFrom | Integer
        Start of the time of delivery scope set by a carrier (in hours; information returned only in PL).
      2. shipmentTimeTo | Integer
        End of the time of delivery scope set by a carrier (in hours; information returned only in PL).
  2. localVersion | Long
    Version key value relevant for a selected country and WebAPI key provided.
    Invalid country identifier (zero or empty value has been provided in the parameter).
    Expiry date of WebAPI key has been exceeded (not applicable PL).
    Invalid value of WebAPI key or WebAPI key has been blocked.
    WebAPI key used to generate the session has been deactivated (the key owner has not accepted WebAPI User Agreement).