Aukro WebAPI


This method allows for loading publicly available information on any user. The user can be indicated by the identifier or username - when value is passed in both parameters, data of a user indicated by the userId parameter are returned.

  1. webapiKey | String | required
    User's WebAPI key.
  2. countryId | Integer | required
    Country identifier (a list of country identifiers can be loaded using the doGetCountries method).
  3. userId | Long | required (non-required if userLogin has been provided)
    User identifier.
  4. userLogin | String | required (non-required if userId has been provided).
  1. userId | Long
    User identifier.
  2. userLogin | String | required
  3. userCountry | Integer
    User's country.
  4. userCreateDate | Long
    User's date of registration (in the Unix time format).
  5. userLoginDate | Long
    Date of user's recent logging in (in the Unix time format).
  6. userRating | Integer
    User's score.
  7. userIsNewUser | Integer
    Information on whether the user account has been registered within the recent 3 weeks (1 - yes, 0 - no).
  8. userNotActivated | Integer
    Information on whether the user account is fully activated (0 - yes, 1 - no).
  9. userClosed | Integer
    Information on whether the user has closed the account (0 - yes, 1 - no).
  10. userBlocked | Integer
    Information on whether the user account is blocked (1 - yes, 0 - no).
  11. userTerminated | Integer
    Information on whether the user has terminated the User Agreement (0 - yes, 1 - no).
  12. userHasPage | Integer
    Information on whether the user has an active 'About me' page (0 - yes, 1 - no).
  13. userIsSseller | Integer
    Information on whether the user has an active icon of the Super Seller programme participant (0 - yes, 1 - no).
  14. userIsEco | Integer
    Information on whether the user is the eco-user (0 - yes, 1 - no).
  15. userPositiveFeedback | ShowUserFeedbacks | required
    Structure containing general information on positive feedback received by the user.
    1. userFLastWeek | Integer
      Number of positive feedbacks from the recent 7 days.
    2. userFLastMonth | Integer
      Number of positive feedbacks from the recent 30 days.
    3. userFAll | Integer
      Number of all positive feedbacks.
    4. userFSoldItems | Integer
      Number of positive feedbacks from offers where the user acted as a seller.
    5. userFBuyItems | Integer
      Number of positive feedbacks from offers where the user acted as a buyer.
  16. userNegativeFeedback | ShowUserFeedbacks | required
    Structure containing general information on negative feedback received by the user.
    1. userFLastWeek | Integer
      Number of positive feedbacks from the recent 7 days.
    2. userFLastMonth | Integer
      Number of positive feedbacks from the recent 30 days.
    3. userFAll | Integer
      Number of all positive feedbacks.
    4. userFSoldItems | Integer
      Number of positive feedbacks from offers where the user acted as a seller.
    5. userFBuyItems | Integer
      Number of positive feedbacks from offers where the user acted as a buyer.
  17. userNeutralFeedback | ShowUserFeedbacks | required
    Structure containing general information on neutral feedback received by the user.
    1. userFLastWeek | Integer
      Number of positive feedbacks from the recent 7 days.
    2. userFLastMonth | Integer
      Number of positive feedbacks from the recent 30 days.
    3. userFAll | Integer
      Number of all positive feedbacks.
    4. userFSoldItems | Integer
      Number of positive feedbacks from offers where the user acted as a seller.
    5. userFBuyItems | Integer
      Number of positive feedbacks from offers where the user acted as a buyer.
  18. userJuniorStatus | Integer
    Information on whether the user uses the Junior account (1 - yes, 0 - no).
  19. userHasShop | Integer
    Information on whether the user has active Aukro Shop (0 - yes, 1 - no). Note: Aukro Shop is obsolete.
  20. userCompanyIcon | Integer
    Information on whether the user uses the Company account (1 - yes, 0 - no; for UA/KZ 0 is always returned).
  21. userSellRatingCount | Integer
    Number of sale evaluations.
  22. userSellRatingAverage | SellRatingAverageStruct[]
    Array of structures containing average sale note for particular areas.
    1. sellRatingGroupTitle | String | required
      Area name.
    2. sellRatingGroupAverage | BigDecimal | required
      Average sale note.
  23. userIsAllegroStandard | Integer
    Information on whether the user participates in the Standard Aukro program (1 - yes, 0 - no).
  24. userIsB2CSeller | Integer
    [Relates only to users] Information on whether the user can list offers (1 - yes, 0 - no).
    Invalid country identifier (zero or empty value has been provided in the parameter).
    No identifier/username, provided identifier/username is incorrect or identifier of an unregistered user has been provided.
    Expiry date of WebAPI key has been exceeded (not applicable PL).
    Invalid value of WebAPI key or WebAPI key has been blocked.
    WebAPI key used to generate the session has been deactivated (the key owner has not accepted WebAPI User Agreement).
    Problems with Aukro WebAPI service.