Aukro WebAPI


This method allows for loading private data (together with additional data of the Company account and extended data of accounts with the Pharmacy and Alcohol status) from an account of a logged user.

  1. sessionHandle | String | required
    User's session identifier received using the doLogin(Enc) method.
  1. userData | UserDataStruct | required
    Structure containing user data.
    1. userId | Long
      User identifier.
    2. userLogin | String | required
    3. userRating | Integer
      User's score.
    4. userFirstName | String | required
      User's first name.
    5. userLastName | String | required
      User's surname.
    6. userMaidenName | String | required
      Maiden name of the user's mother (not displayed to both parties).
    7. userCompany | String | required
      Name of a user's company.
    8. userCountryId | Integer
      Identifier of a user's country.
    9. userStateId | Integer
      User's region (province) identifier (for unregistered users 0 is always returned).
    10. userPostcode | String | required
      User's postal code.
    11. userCity | String | required
      User's city.
    12. userAddress | String | required
      User's address.
    13. userEmail | String | required
      User's e-mail address.
    14. userPhone | String | required
      User's phone number.
    15. userPhone2 | String | required
      User's second phone number.
    16. userSsStatus | Integer
      Information on whether the user participates in the Super Seller program (1 - user is a Super Seller, 0 - user is not a Super Seller).
    17. siteCountryId | Integer
      Country (site) identifier where user registered an account.
    18. userJuniorStatus | Integer
      Information on whether the account is a Junior (1 - yes, 0 - no).
    19. userBirthDate | Long
      User's date of birth (not displayed to both parties).
    20. userHasShop | Integer
      Information on whether there is an active Allegro Shop on user's account (1 - yes, 0 - no)
    21. userCompanyIcon | Integer
      Information on whether the account is a Company (1 - yes, 0 - no; for UA/KZ 0 is always returned).
    22. userIsAllegroStandard | Integer
  2. invoiceData | InvoiceDataStruct | required
    Structure containing invoice data.
    1. companyName | String | required
      Company name.
    2. companyNip | String | required
      Company tax identification number.
  3. companyExtraData | CompanyExtraDataStruct | required
    Structure containing additional company information (relating to users with Company account).
    1. companyType | String | required
      Company type.
    2. companyNip | String | required
      Company tax identification number.
    3. companyRegon | String | required
      Company statistical number.
    4. companyKrs | String | required
      Company National Court Registry number.
    5. companyActivitySort | String | required
      Type of company activity.
  4. companySecondAddress | CompanySecondAddressStruct | required
    Structure containing information on employee responsible for account and on company address (relating to users of Company accounts).
    1. companyWorkerFirstName | String | required
      First name of person responsible for account.
    2. companyWorkerLastName | String | required
      Surname of person responsible for account.
    3. companyAddress | String | required
      Company registered office.
    4. companyPostcode | String | required
      Postal code.
    5. companyCity | String | required
      City of company registered office.
    6. companyCountryId | Integer
      Identifier of country of company registered office.
    7. companyStateId | Integer
      Identifier of region (province) of company registered office.
  5. pharmacyData | PharmacyDataStruct | required
    Structure containing information on pharmacy run by user (relating to users of Company accounts and active Pharmacy status).
    1. pharmacyOpeningDate | String | required
      Pharmacy registration date.
    2. pharmacyExpirationDate | String | required
      Expiry date of permit for running a pharmacy.
    3. pharmacyName | String | required
      Pharmacy name.
    4. pharmacyPharmacistFullName | String | required
      Name and surname of pharmacist.
    5. pharmacyAddress | String | required
      Pharmacy address.
    6. pharmacyPostcode | String | required
      Pharmacy postal code.
    7. pharmacyCity | String | required
      City where pharmacy is located.
    8. pharmacyCommune | String | required
      Commune where pharmacy is located.
    9. pharmacyCountryId | Integer
      Identifier of country where pharmacy is located.
    10. pharmacyStateId | Integer
      Identifier of province where pharmacy is located.
    11. pharmacyPermitNumber | String | required
      Number of permit for running a pharmacy.
    12. pharmacyPermitInfo | String | required
      Link to permit for running a pharmacy.
  6. alcoholData | AlcoholDataStruct | required
    Structure containing information on a permit for selling alcohol by user (relating to users of Company accounts and active Alcohol status).
    1. alcoholOpeningDate | String | required
      Registration date of account with 'Alcohol' status.
    2. alcoholExpirationDate | String | required
      Expiry date of permit for selling alcohol.
    3. alcoholShopName | String | required
      Shop name.
    4. alcoholShopAddress | String | required
      Shop address.
    5. alcoholShopPostcode | String | required
      Shop postal code.
    6. alcoholShopCity | String | required
      City where shop is located.
    7. alcoholShopCommune | String | required
      Commune where shop is located.
    8. alcoholShopCountryId | Integer
      Identifier of country where shop is located.
    9. alcoholShopStateId | Integer
      Identifier of province where shop is located.
    10. alcoholPermitNumber | String | required
      Number of permit for selling alcohol.
    11. alcoholPermitAuthority | String | required
      Body issuing permit for selling alcohol.
    12. alcoholPermitInfo | String | required
      Link to permit for selling alcohol.
  7. relatedPersons | RelatedPersonsStruct | required
    Structure containing spouse's data using the account.
    1. spouseFirstName | String | required
      Spouse's first name.
    2. spouseLastName | String | required
      Spouse's surname.
    Problems with Allegro database.
    Invalid session identifier or the session has expired.
    Expiry date of WebAPI key has been exceeded (not applicable PL).
    Invalid value of WebAPI key or WebAPI key has been blocked.
    WebAPI key used to generate the session has been deactivated (the key owner has not accepted WebAPI User Agreement).
    Problems with Aukro WebAPI service.