Aukro WebAPI


This method allows sellers to load data from after-sale and related additional payment forms filled out by buyers. It also returns detailed payment data (made through PayU) related to the indicated transactions, information on a selected pick-up point and identification data on shipment containing products from particular transactions. If incorrect transaction identifiers or the ones which cannot be accessed by a logged-in user are provided in the input array, they are ignored when presenting output data (data are returned only for transaction identifiers considered correct and relating to the user being a session owner). Additionally - calling this method for a transaction in which a logged-in user has acted as a buyer will result in returning an empty structure.

  1. sessionId | String | required
    User's session identifier received using the doLogin(Enc) method.
  2. transactionsIdsArray | Long[]
    Array of transaction and related additional payment identifiers (max. 25). Information on relation between an offer identifier and a transaction identifier can be obtained by the doGetTransactionsIDs method.
  3. zasilkovnaDeliveryPoint| Integer
    If value is set (to 1) result contains selected pickup point of Zasilkovba (if is any selected).
  1. postBuyFormData | PostBuyFormDataStruct[]
    Array of structures containing information loaded from filled out after-sale forms.
    1. postBuyFormId | Long
      Transaction identifier.
    2. postBuyFormItems | PostBuyFormItemStruct[]
      Array of structures containing information on purchases made by a user in an offer.
      1. postBuyFormItQuantity | Integer
        Number of items bought.
      2. postBuyFormItAmount | BigDecimal | required
        Total price for all items bought in an offer.
      3. postBuyFormItId | Long
        Offer identifier.
      4. postBuyFormItTitle | String | required
        Offer title.
      5. postBuyFormItCountry | Integer
        Country identifier.
      6. postBuyFormItPrice | BigDecimal | required
        Price of a single item.
      7. postBuyFormItDeals | PostBuyFormItemDealsStruct[]
        Array of structures containing information on purchases made by a user within an offer.
        1. dealId | Long
          Identifier of a purchase transaction.
        2. dealFinalPrice | BigDecimal | required
          Total purchase price (including discount).
        3. dealQuantity | Integer
          Number of items bought.
        4. dealDate | OffsetDateTime | required
          Date of purchase transaction.
        5. dealWasDiscounted | Boolean
          Information whether any discount code has been used.
        6. dealVariant | PostBuyFormItemDealsVariantStruct
          This structure returns information about an item variant selected by a buyer. This method will always return an empty structure.
          1. variantName | String | required
            Name of a parameter with variants.
          2. variantValue | String | required
            Parameter variant value.
    3. postBuyFormBuyerId | Long
      Buyer's identifier.
    4. postBuyFormAmount | BigDecimal | required
      Total price for all items bought (including delivery cost).
    5. postBuyFormPostageAmount | BigDecimal | required
      Cost of a selected delivery method.
    6. postBuyFormInvoiceOption | Integer
      Information whether a user wishes to receive an invoice (1 - yes, 0 - no).
    7. postBuyFormMsgToSeller | String | required
      Content of a message to a seller.
    8. postBuyFormInvoiceData | PostBuyFormAddressStruct | required
      Structure containing user data related to an invoice issuance (filled out when postBuyFormInvoiceOption = 1).
      1. postBuyFormAdrCountry | Integer
        Country identifier.
      2. postBuyFormAdrStreet | String | required
        Address of a pick-up point.
      3. postBuyFormAdrPostcode | String | required
        Postal code of a pick-up point.
      4. postBuyFormAdrCity | String | required
        City where a pick-up point is located.
      5. postBuyFormAdrFullName | String | required
        pick-up point name.
      6. postBuyFormAdrCompany | String | required
        Field not used (will always be empty).
      7. postBuyFormAdrPhone | String | required
        User's mobile phone no.
      8. postBuyFormAdrNip | String | required
        Field not used (will always be empty).
      9. postBuyFormCreatedDate | String | required
        Date of filling out a form.
      10. postBuyFormAdrType | Integer
        Field not used (will always be empty).
    9. postBuyFormShipmentAddress | PostBuyFormAddressStruct | required
      Structure containing user's delivery address.
      1. postBuyFormAdrCountry | Integer
        Country identifier.
      2. postBuyFormAdrStreet | String | required
        Address of a pick-up point.
      3. postBuyFormAdrPostcode | String | required
        Postal code of a pick-up point.
      4. postBuyFormAdrCity | String | required
        City where a pick-up point is located.
      5. postBuyFormAdrFullName | String | required
        pick-up point name.
      6. postBuyFormAdrCompany | String | required
        Field not used (will always be empty).
      7. postBuyFormAdrPhone | String | required
        User's mobile phone no.
      8. postBuyFormAdrNip | String | required
        Field not used (will always be empty).
      9. postBuyFormCreatedDate | String | required
        Date of filling out a form.
      10. postBuyFormAdrType | Integer
        Field not used (will always be empty).
    10. postBuyFormPayType | String | required
      Payment method type (corresponding with PayU - full list of types can be found in technical documentation of the service). Also types outside PayU can be returned: collect_on_delivery (COD), wire_transfer (Standard transfer – outside PayU system) and not_specified (for postBuyFormSentBySeller = 1).
    11. postBuyFormPayId | Long
      Payment identifier.
    12. postBuyFormPayStatus | String | required
      PayU transaction status.
    13. postBuyFormDateInit | String | required
      Beginning date of a PayU transaction.
    14. postBuyFormDateRecv | String | required
      Completion date of a PayU transaction.
    15. postBuyFormDateCancel | String | required
      Cancellation date of a PayU transaction.
    16. postBuyFormShipmentId | Integer
      Delivery method identifier (a list of delivery method identifiers can be obtained by using the doGetShipmentData method).
    17. postBuyFormGdAddress | PostBuyFormAddressStruct | required
      Structure containing information on a pick-up point selected by a user.
      1. postBuyFormAdrCountry | Integer
        Country identifier.
      2. postBuyFormAdrStreet | String | required
        Address of a pick-up point.
      3. postBuyFormAdrPostcode | String | required
        Postal code of a pick-up point.
      4. postBuyFormAdrCity | String | required
        City where a pick-up point is located.
      5. postBuyFormAdrFullName | String | required
        pick-up point name.
      6. postBuyFormAdrCompany | String | required
        Field not used (will always be empty).
      7. postBuyFormAdrPhone | String | required
        User's mobile phone no.
      8. postBuyFormAdrNip | String | required
        Field not used (will always be empty).
      9. postBuyFormCreatedDate | String | required
        Date of filling out a form.
      10. postBuyFormAdrType | Integer
        Field not used (will always be empty).
    18. postBuyFormShipmentTracking | PostBuyFormShipmentTrackingStruct[]
      Array of structures containing information on delivery.
      1. postBuyFormOperatorId | Integer
        Identifier of a delivery operator (1 - UPS, 2 - GLS, 3 - Ruch, 4 - DHL, 5 - InPost, 6 - Poczta Polska, 7 - Siódemka, 8 - NovayaPochta [UA], 9 - DPD).
      2. postBuyFormPackageId | String | required
        Parcel identifier.
      3. postBuyFormPackageStatus | String | required
        Delivery status (taken from an operator).
    19. postBuyFormSurchargesList | Long[]
      Array of additional payment to related transaction identifiers.
    20. postBuyFormGdAdditionalInfo | String | required
      Additional information related to a pick-up point.
    21. postBuyFormPaymentAmount | BigDecimal | required
      Amount paid by a buyer via PayU.
    22. postBuyFormSentBySeller | Integer
      Information which transaction party has filled out the after-sale form (0 - buyer, 1 - seller using
    23. postBuyFormBuyerLogin | String | required
      Buyers name.
    24. postBuyFormBuyerEmail | String | required
      Buyers e-mail address.
    25. zasilkovnaPickUpPoint | String
      Value returned only if zasilkovnaDeliveryPoint in request is set. Id of selected pickup point and his address.
    Array of transaction identifiers is empty.
    The number of transaction identifiers exceeds the acceptable limit (max. 25).
    Internal system error due to loading PayU transactions.
    Invalid session identifier or the session has expired.
    Only IDs of additional payments have been provided.
    WebAPI key used to generate the session has been deactivated (the key owner has not accepted WebAPI User Agreement).