Aukro WebAPI


This method is for getting a complete set of information on offers available within all listings (category, user and special) as well as on a list of search results. You can filter the data in numerous ways (e.g. by a listing type, keyword and search details, price, offer type or category parameters) and sort them by any of the available types. By default (i.e. without specifying category/department ID) a list of all main categories is returned (without any information on offers) and a list of fixed filters related to an offer listing (including the list of departments). The logic of the method is based on a system of filters returned contextually that allows for controlling the range of returned details. You can find a tutorial describing dynamic filters at:,321. This method returns data for the last two months (including ended auctions which have not been transferred to the archive yet).

  1. webapiKey | String | required
    User’s WebAPI key.
  2. countryId | Integer
    ID of a country you wish to load the offers from (you can get a list of country IDs by using the doGetCountries method).
  3. filterOptions | FilterOptionsType[]
    Criteria of filtering the results (a list of available in that certain context filters is returned as the output of the method within the filtersList structure).
    1. filterId | String | required
      Filter ID.
    2. filterValueId | String[]
      ID(s) of a filter’s value (single of multiple filters).
    3. filterValueRange | RangeValueType
      The scope of a filter’s value (for range filters).
      1. rangeValueMin | String
        Minimum filter value.
      2. rangeValueMax | String
        Maximum filter value.
  4. sortOptions | SortOptionsType
    Option of offer sorting.
    1. sortType | String
      Sort type: endingTime - remaining time/end time (default value for most of the listings), startingTime - time of listing, price - price, priceDelivery - price including shipping, popularity - popularity (number of placed bids), name - a title of an offer, relevance - relevance.
    2. sortOrder | String
      Sorting order: asc - ascending (default value for most of the listings), desc - descending.
  5. resultSize | Integer
    Size of data portion (min. 1, max. 1,000). Default value: 100.
  6. resultOffset | Integer
    Controlling the range of returned data (mask, values can be added): 1 - do not return the structure with filters, 2 - do not return a structure with categories, 4 - do not return a structure with offers). All data are returned by default.
  7. resultScope | Integer
    Controlling the range of returned data (mask, values can be added): 1 - do not return the structure with filters, 2 - do not return a structure with categories, 4 - do not return a structure with offers). All data are returned by default.
  1. itemsCount | Integer
    Number of all offers (in a certain category and/or listed by a certain user and/or matching the query).
  2. itemsFeaturedCount | Integer
    Number of promoted offers (included in the returned data package).
  3. itemsList | ItemsListType[]
    Information on offers.
    1. itemId | Long
      Offer ID.
    2. itemTitle | String | required
      Offer title.
    3. leftCount | Integer
      Number of available items.
    4. bidsCount | Integer
      Number of items bought.
    5. biddersCount | Integer
      Number of users buying/bidding within the offer.
    6. quantityType | String | required
      Type of available items: pieces, sets or pairs.
    7. endingTime | OffsetDateTime
      Scheduled end time of an offer.
    8. timeToEnd | String | required
      Remaining time to end an offer (in words).
    9. categoryId | Integer
      Category ID.
    10. conditionInfo | String | required
      Item condition: new, used or undefined.
    11. promotionInfo | Integer
      Promo options within the offer (mask, values can be added): 1 - Featuring, 2 - Highlighting, 4 - Boldface.
    12. additionalInfo | Integer
      Additional marking within the offer (mask, values can be added): 1 - Allegro Standard (PL)/Aukro+ (CZ)/Super Offer (UA)/Vatera Premium (HU), 2 - free shipping.
    13. sellerInfo | UserInfoType
      Information on a seller.
      1. userId | Integer
        User ID.
      2. userLogin | String | required
      3. userRating | Integer
        User’s score.
      4. userIcons | Integer
        Additional information on a user (mask, values can be added): 1 - Junior account, 2 - “About me” page, 4 - Company account, 8 - Allegro shop, 16 - Super Seller (RU).
      5. countryId | Integer
        ID of a country you wish to load the offers from (you can get a list of country IDs using the doGetCountries method).
    14. priceInfo | PriceInfoType[]
      Information on item price.
      1. priceType | String | required
        Price type: buyNow - Buy it Now!, bidding - current highest bid, withDelivery - price including shipping.
      2. priceValue | BigDecimal | required
        Amount (presented in a currency of a country passed in countryId).
    15. photosInfo | PhotoInfoType[]
      Array of structures including information on uploaded offer photos.
      1. photoSize | String | required
        Photo size: small - 64x48, medium - 128x96, large - 400x300.
      2. photoUrl | String | required
        Photo URL.
      3. photoIsMain | Boolean
        Information whether the photo is the main one (thumbnail on a listing): true/false.
    16. parametersInfo | ParameterInfoType[]
      Information on parameters selected for an offer.
      1. parameterName | String | required
        Parameter name (to be displayed by an application).
      2. parameterValue | String[]
        Parameter value (single, list or from-to range).
      3. parameterUnit | String | required
        Parameter unit (available only for a part of parameters).
      4. parameterIsRange | Boolean
        Information whether a parameter is of range type: true/false.
    17. advertInfo | AdvertInfoType
      Details of an ad (returned only in case of classifieds-type offers).
      1. serviceId | String | required
        ID of a website from which an offer is taken: otoMotoPl, otoDomPl, otoWakacjePl, alleWakacjePl, oferiaPl, tablicaPl, strefaMarekAllegroPl, ebookiAllegroPl, otoMotoCz, hotelCz, bezRealitkyCz, spaCz, turistikCz, wikiRealityCz, iDeveloperCz, slandoUa and promUa.
      2. advertId | String | required
        Ad ID.
  4. categoriesList | CategoriesListType
    Information on categories.
    1. categoriesTree | CategoryTreeType[]
      “Sister” categories and “children” (first-tier) for category ID provided on the input or a list of main categories (if no particular category has been provided on input).
      1. categoryId | Integer
        Category ID.
      2. categoryName | String | required
        Category name.
      3. categoryParentId | Integer
        supra-category ID.
      4. categoryItemsCount | Integer
        Number of offers listed within the category.
    2. categoriesPath | CategoryPathType[]
      Full category path leading to a category provided on input (not returned if a category has not been indocated).
      1. categoryId | Integer
        Category ID.
      2. categoryName | String | required
        Category name.
      3. categoryParentId | Integer
        supra-category ID.
  5. filtersList | FiltersListType[]
    Information on filters available in the given context.
    1. filterId | String | required
      Filter ID.
    2. filterName | String | required
      Filter name.
    3. filterType | String | required
      Filter type: country - global filter for the given site/country, category - filter existing only within the passed category (parameter).
    4. filterControlType | String | required
      Indicator type required to display a filter: combobox (a single value on a list), checkbox (multiple options on a list), textbox (values to be provide manually).
    5. filterDataType | String | required
      Type of data accepted by a filter: string, int, long, float and datetime.
    6. filterIsRange | Boolean
      Information whether a parameter is of range type: true/false.
    7. filterArraySize | Integer
      Maximum number of values that can be passed for a certain filter (returned only for multiple filters).
    8. filterValues | FilterValueType[]
      Information on the values of filters.
      1. filterValueId | String | required
        ID of a filter’s value.
      2. filterValueName | String | required
        Name of a filter’s value (to be displayed by an application).
      3. filterValueCount | Integer
        Number of offers matching the given filter (returned if it is possible to count it in the given context).
    9. filterRelations | FilterRelationType
      Information on relations between the filters.
      1. relationAnd | String[]
        List of all filter IDs the given filter must be used with.
      2. relationOr | String[]
        List of filter IDs – at least one must be used with the given filter.
      3. relationExclude | String[]
        List of filter IDs which the given filter cannot be used with.
  6. filtersRejected | String[]
    Filter IDs passed on the input, not activated by the given calling (due to mistakes or being incorrect in the given context).
    Filter cannot be used without passing all provided filters: list of filters.
    Filter cannot be used without passing at least one of provided filters: list of filters.
    Filter cannot be used with one of provided filters: list of filters.
    Incorrect country identifier (indicated country is not included or null/empty value has been passed in a parameter).
    Incorrect value of a filter value’s ID (for a single, multiply or range filter).
    Incorrect value of a range or returned data.
    Incorrect value of a data portion size (exceeds the 1-1,000 range).
    Incorrect offset value (lower than 0).
    Incorrect value of a sorting order.
    Incorrect value of a sort type.
    Expiry date of WebAPI key has been exceeded (not applicable PL).
    WebAPI key used to generate the session has been deactivated (the key owner has not accepted WebAPI User Agreement).
    Problems with Aukro WebAPI service.