Aukro WebAPI


This method allows for loading all available data (description, category, photos, parameters, available delivery and payment methods, etc.) about the selected offer.

  1. sessionHandle | String
    User's session identifier received using the doLogin(Enc) method (one of sessionHandle or webapiKey must be present).
  2. webapiKey | String
    User's WebAPI key (one of sessionHandle or webapiKey must be present).
  3. itemId | Long | required
    Offer identifier.
  4. getDesc | Integer
    Parameter indicating whether an offer description is to be loaded (1 - yes, 0 - no; default value: 0).
  5. getImageUrl | Integer
    Parameter indicating whether links to photos are to be loaded (1 - yes, 0 - no; default value: 0).
  6. getAttribs | Integer
    Parameter indicating whether a list of parameters assigned to an offer is to be loaded (1 - yes, 0 - no; default value: 0).
  7. getPostageOptions | Integer
    Parameter indicating whether shipment options for an offer are to be loaded (1 - yes, 0 - no; default value: 0).
  8. getCompanyInfo | Integer
    Parameter indicating whether data of a user listing the offer is to be loaded (it refers only to offers listed from company accounts; 1 - yes, 0 - no; default value: 0).
  9. getProductInfo | Integer
    Outdated parameter
  1. itemListInfoExt | ItemInfoExt | required
    Structure containing general information on an offer.
    1. itId | Long
      Offer identifier.
    2. itCountry | Integer
      Identifier of country where the offer has been listed.
    3. itName | String | required
      Offer title.
    4. itPrice | BigDecimal | required
      Current price (for offers of bidding type).
    5. itBidCount | Integer
      Number of bids.
    6. itEndingTime | Long
      Offer end time (in the Unix time format).
    7. itSellerId | Long
      Seller's identifier.
    8. itSellerLogin | String | required
      Seller's username.
    9. itSellerRating | Integer
      Seller's score.
    10. itStartingTime | Long
      Offer start date (in the Unix time format; displayed only to a user who has listed it - 0 is returned to others).
    11. itStartingPrice | BigDecimal | required
      Starting price (for offers of bidding type; displayed only to a user who has listed it - 0 is returned foor others).
    12. itQuantity | Integer
      Current number of items available in an offer.
    13. itFotoCount | Integer
      Number of photos attached to an offer (relates only to photos uploaded to Aukro servers).
    14. itReservePrice | BigDecimal | required
      Reserve price (for offers of bidding type; displayed only to a user who has listed it; for others following values are returned: 0 - is the reserve price is not set, -1 - if the current price is lower than the reserve price, -2 - is the current price is equal or higher than the reserve price).
    15. itLocation | String | required
      Item location.
    16. itBuyNowPrice | BigDecimal | required
      Buy it Now! price (if the Buy it Now! price is not set the field returns 0).
    17. itBuyNowActive | Integer
      Information whether an offer has set (and active) Buy it Now! price (1 - yes, 0 - no).
    18. itHighBidder | Integer
      Identifier of the highest bidder.
    19. itHighBidderLogin | String | required
      Username of the highest bidder.
    20. itDescription | String | required
      Offer description.
    21. itOptions | Integer
      Value informing on selected additional options for an offer (more).
    22. itState | Integer
      Region (province) identifier.
    23. itWireTransfer | BigDecimal | required
      The lowest delivery cost for the payment in advance type (for Poland: more information in the itemPostageOptions structure).
    24. itPostDelivery | BigDecimal | required
      The lowest delivery cost for the COD type (for Poland: more information in the itemPostageOptions structure).
    25. itPostInfo | String | required
      Additional information on delivery and payment.
    26. itQuantityType | Integer
      Type of available items (0 - single items, 1 - sets, 2 - pairs).
    27. itIsEco | Integer
      Information on whether an offer is featured on eco-users list of offers (1 - yes, 0 - no).
    28. itHitCount | Long
      Number of offer views.
    29. itPostcode | String | required
      Postal code (if a seller has provided it in a description).
    30. itVatInvoice | Integer
      Information whether a seller issues VAT invoices (1 - yes, 0 - no).
    31. itBankAccount1 | String | required
      Seller's first bank account number.
    32. itBankAccount2 | String | required
      Seller's second bank account number.
    33. itStartingQuantity | Integer
      Number of items available on a start of an offer.
    34. itIsForGuests | Integer
      Information whether unregistered users can make purchase (1 - yes, 0 - no).
    35. itHasProduct | Integer
      Information whether an offer is related to a product (1 - yes, 0 - no).
    36. itOrderFulfillmentTime | Integer
      Information on the shortest possible time of realization (in hours). In UA/KZ it works as 'Sent within' with an additional value 1 ('immediately').
    37. itEndingInfo | Integer
      Information on offer status (1 - ongoing, 2 - offer ended in a 'natural' way [end of duration time or buy-out of all items in case of Buy It Now!], 3 - offer closed earlier by seller).
    38. itIsAllegroStandard | Integer
      Information whether an offer is marked as Standard Allegro [PL], Aukro Plus [CZ] or Super Offer [UA/KZ] (1 - yes, 0 - no).
    39. itIsNewUsed | Integer
      Information about the item's condition (0 - no data, 1 - new, 2 - used).
    40. itIsBrandZone | Integer
      Information whether an offer has been listed within the Brand Zone (1 - yes, 0 - no).
    41. itIsFulfillmentTimeActive | Integer
  2. itemCatPath | ItemCatList[]
    Array of structures containing information on offer category structure.
    1. catLevel | Integer
      Identifier of category's nesting level (indexed from 0).
    2. catId | Long
      Category identifier.
    3. catName | String | required
      Category name.
  3. itemImgList | ItemImageList[]
    Array of structures containing information on photos added to an offer.
    1. imageType | Integer
      Type of photo (1 - thumbnail, 2 - medium size, 3 - original photo).
    2. imageUrl | String | required
      Link to a photo.
  4. itemAttribList | AttribStruct[]
    Array of structures containing information on parameters assigned to an offer.
    1. attribName | String | required
      Parameter name.
    2. attribValues | String[]
      Array of parameter value (parameters of scope type are returned as two separate elements of an array: array[0] = input_value; array[1] = output_value).
  5. itemPostageOptions | PostageStruct[]
    Array of structures containing information on delivery options selected for an offer.
    1. postageAmount | BigDecimal | required
      Price for the first item.
    2. postageAmountAdd | BigDecimal | required
      Price for more items (in case of not setting it by a seller, the amount of postageAmount is taken by default).
    3. postagePackSize | Integer
      Quantity per parcel (in case of not setting it by a seller 1 is taken by default).
    4. postageId | Integer
      Delivery method identifier (a list of delivery method identifiers can be obtained by using the doGetShipmentData method).
    5. postageFreeShipping | Integer
      Information on whether for a given shipping method a seller has set free delivery (1 - yes, 0 -no).
    6. postageFreeReturn | Integer
    7. postageFulfillmentTime | FulfillmentTimeStruct | required
      Structure containing information on (expressed in hours) approximate 'Order realization time' for the given offer.
      1. fulfillmentTimeFrom | Integer
        Start of the scope (in hours) for the approximate 'Order realization time' (information returned only in PL). 0 indicates that a seller has not set time for 'Delivery within' or 'Order realization time' is not available in the given country.
      2. fulfillmentTimeTo | Integer
        End of the scope (in hours) for the approximate 'Order realization time' (information returned only in PL). 0 indicates that a seller has not set time for 'Delivery within' or 'Order realization time' is not available in the given country.
  6. itemPaymentOptions | ItemPaymentOptions | required
    Structure containing information on payment options selected for an offer.
    1. payOptionTransfer | Integer
      Standard transfer (1 - enabled, 0 - disabled).
    2. payOptionOnDelivery | Integer
      COD (1 - enabled, 0 - disabled).
    3. payOptionAllegroPay | Integer
      PayU (1 - enabled, 0 - disabled).
    4. payOptionSeeDesc | Integer
      Additional information on delivery and payment (1 - enabled, 0 - disabled).
    5. payOptionPayu | Integer
      Outdated field (will always return 0).
    6. payOptionEscrow | Integer
      Outdated field (will always return 0).
    7. payOptionQiwi | Integer
  7. itemCompanyInfo | CompanyInfoStruct | required
    Structure containing basic information on a company (if an offer has been listed from account registered as Company).
    1. companyFirstName | String | required
      First name of person responsible for account.
    2. companyLastName | String | required
      Surname of person responsible for account.
    3. companyName | String | required
      Company name.
    4. companyAddress | String | required
      Company registered office.
    5. companyPostcode | String | required
      Postal code.
    6. companyCity | String | required
      City of company registered office.
    7. companyNip | String | required
      Company tax identification number.
  8. itemProductInfo | ProductStruct | required
    Outdated structure
    1. productId | Long
      Outdated field (will always return 0).
    2. productName | String | required
      Outdated field (will always return empty value).
    3. productDescription | String | required
      Outdated field (will always return empty value).
    4. productImagesList | String[]
      Outdated field (will always return empty value).
    5. productParametersGroupList | ProductParametersGroupStruct[]
      Outdated structure.
      1. productParametersGroupName | String | required
        Outdated field (will always return empty value).
      2. productParametersList | ProductParametersStruct[]
        Outdated structure.
        1. productParameterName | String | required
          Outdated field (will always return empty value).
        2. productParameterValues | String[]
          Outdated field (will always return empty value).
        3. productParameterDescription | String | required
          Outdated field (will always return empty value).
  9. itemVariants | ItemVariantStruct[]
    Array of structures that includes information on item variants available within the listed offer.
    1. id | String | required
      Variant ID.
    2. quantity | Integer
      Quantity of items available within the variant.
    3. attributes | ItemVariantAttributeStruct[]
      Array of structures containing information on attributes of the variant.
      1. name | String | required
        Attribute name.
      2. value | String | required
        Attribute value.
    You cannot load information on this offer as it has been removed by the site administrator.
    Invalid offer identifier.
    Problems with Allegro database.
    Invalid session identifier or the session has expired.
    WebAPI key used to generate the session has been deactivated (the key owner has not accepted WebAPI User Agreement).
    Problems with Aukro WebAPI service.