Aukro WebAPI


  1. sessionHandle | String | required
    User's session identifier received using the doLogin(Enc) method.
  2. accountType | String | required
    Selected type of My Allegro tab (bid - offers from the Bidding tab, won - offers from the Bought tab, not_won - offers from the Not bought tab, watch - offers from the Watched: Ongoing tab, watch_cl - offers from the Watched: Ended tab, sell - offers from the Selling tab, sold - offers from the Sold tab, not_sold - offers from the Not sold tab, future - offers from the Scheduled for listing tab).
  3. offset | Integer
    Parameter which allows to control the process of loading new data portions (portion numbers are indexed from 0).
  4. itemsArray | Long[]
    Array of offer identifiers.
  5. limit | Integer
    Parameter which allows for defining a size of data portions (min. 1, max. 100; 25 by default).
  1. myaccountList | MyAccountStruct2[]
    Array of structures containing information on offers of a selected type.
    1. myAccountArray | String[]
      Array with returned all publicly available information on an offer. Its fields contain:
      • offer identifier,
      • item's starting price (or 0,00 when it has not been set),
      • current item price,
      • item's reserve price (or 0,00 when it has not been set),
      • Buy it Now! price (or 0,00 when it has not been set),
      • number of items available at the beginning of an offer,
      • offer start time (in case of ongoing offers only displayed to a seller),
      • offer end time,
      • identifier of a buyer offering the highest price (or 0 when there are no bids),
      • offer title,
      • number of bids,
      • seller's identifier,
      • country identifier,
      • value informing on selected additional options for an auction (more),
      • the highest price offered by a user,
      • the highest price offered for an item,
      • number of items which have not been sold yet (relates to ongoing offers),
      • number of items which have been sold (relates to ongoing offers),
      • outdated field (will always return NULL),
      • number of sold items (relates to ended offers),
      • number of not sold items (relates to ended offers),
      • buyer's username (or 0 in case of no bids, the full value of a field is displayed only to a seller, others see the username but it an anonymous form: X...Y),
      • number of buyer's points (or 0 in case of no bids),
      • buyer's country (or 0 in case of no bids),
      • buyer's username,
      • seller's number of points,
      • seller's country,
      • number of persons watching the auction (or NULL in case of no observers),
      • information whether the offer has the Buy it Now! option (1 - yes, 0 - no),
      • number of photos attached to the offer,
      • content of a memo added to the offer by a seller (displayed only to the seller, for others and in case of no memo - 0 is returned),
      • information about moment of sending an e-mail reminding about an offer that ends soon (relates to watched offers),
      • text status of an offer waiting to be listed (e.g. 'Pending', 'Hold by Allegro administrator', etc.),
      • number of offer views,
      • outdated field (will always return NULL),
      • outdated field (will always return NULL),
      • information whether the offer is related to a product (1 - yes, 0 - no, relates to following types: sell, sold, not_sold, future),
      • information whether the offer is marked as Standard Allegro [PL]/Aukro Plus [CZ]/Super Offer [UA/KZ] (1 - yes, 0 - no, relates to types: won, not_won, watch, watch_cl, sell, sold, not_sold).
    Problems with Allegro database.
    Invalid session identifier or the session has expired.
    Size of a data portion exceeds the scope (allowed scope: 1-100).
    WebAPI key used to generate the session has been deactivated (the key owner has not accepted WebAPI User Agreement).
    Problems with Aukro WebAPI service.