Aukro WebAPI


  1. sessionId | String | required
    A user’s session identifier received using the method doLogin(Enc).
  2. sortOptions | SortOptionsStruct
    A structure containing information about the method of sorting offers.
    1. sortType | Integer
      A parameter which allows for indicating the type of sort (1 - by end time (default value for the tab), 2 - by current price, 3 - by offer name, 4 - by number of bids, 5 - by the highest bid, 6 - by seller’s username, 8 - by my maximum price, 12 - by number of bid items).
    2. sortOrder | Integer
      A parameter which allows for indicating the sort order (1 - ascending (default value for the tab), 2 - descending).
  3. filterOptions | SellFilterOptionsStruct
    A structure containing information about the method of filtering offers.
    1. filterFormat | Integer
      A parameter which allows for filtering by the offer type (0 - show all offers, 1 - only Allegro offers, 2 - only shop offers; default value: 0)
    2. filterBids | Integer
      Parameter which allows for filtering by the placed bids (0 - show all, 1 - only with placed bids, 2 - only without bids; default value: 0).
    3. filterToEnd | Integer
      Parameter which allows for filtering by the time left (0 - show all, 2 - 1 hour, 3 - 3 hours, 4 - 6 hours, 5 - 12 hours, 6 - 24 hours, 7 - 2 days, 8 - 3 days, 9 - 4 days, 10 - 5 days, 11 - 6 days, 12 - 7 days; default value: 0).
    4. filterFromStart | Integer
      Parameter which allows for filtering by the time of listing (0 - show all, 2 - 1 hour, 3 - 3 hours, 4 - 6 hours, 5 - 12 hours, 6 - 24 hours, 7 - 2 days, 8 - 3 days, 9 - 4 days, 10 - 5 days, 11 - 6 days, 12 - 7 days; default value: 0).
    5. filterAutoListing | Integer
      A parameter which allows for filtering by the option of automatic relisting (0 - show all, 1 - with disabled auto relisting, 2 - auto relisting of offers with unsold items, 3 - auto relisting of offers with all the items; default value: 0)
    6. filterPrice | FilterPriceStruct
      A structure containing information about the method of filtering offers by their price.
      1. filterPriceFrom | BigDecimal
        Initial value of the scope of parameter values
      2. filterPriceTo | BigDecimal
        Final value of the scope of parameter values.
    7. filterDurationType | Integer
  4. searchValue | String
    A phrase searched in offers (relates to searching by the offer title). It allows for searching using characters such as *, -, () and “”.
  5. categoryId | Integer
    A parameter which allows for indicating a category of displayed offers.
  6. itemIds | Long[]
    Array of offer identifiers (max.: 100).
  7. pageSize | Integer
    A parameter which allows for indicating the number of displayed offers (min.: 1, max.: 1,000, default value: 100).
  8. pageNumber | Integer
    A parameter which allows for indicating data portions to be displayed (default value: 0).
  1. sellItemsCounter | Integer
    Number of sale offers (reflecting filters provided on method input).
  2. sellItemsList | SellItemStruct[]
    Array of structures with exact information about sale offers.
    1. itemId | Long
      Offer identifier.
    2. itemTitle | String | required
      Offer title.
    3. itemThumbnailUrl | String | required
      Link to offer thumbnail.
    4. itemPrice | ItemPriceStruct[]
      Array of structures containing information about the item price.
      1. priceType | Integer
        Price type (1 - Buy it Now!, 2 - current price (bidding), 3 - Initial price, 4 - Reserved price).
      2. priceValue | BigDecimal | required
        Item price.
    5. itemStartQuantity | Integer
      Initial number of offered items.
    6. itemSoldQuantity | Integer
      Number of sold items.
    7. itemQuantityType | Integer
      Type of available items (1 - single items, 2 - sets, 3 - pairs).
    8. itemStartTime | Long
      Offer start (Unix time).
    9. itemEndTime | Long
      End time (Unix time).
    10. itemEndTimeLeft | String | required
      Time to end (text form).
    11. itemBiddersCounter | Integer
      A counter of placed bids.
    12. itemHighestBidder | UserInfoStruct | required
      A structure containing information about a user who has placed the highest bid. Only for single-item bidding.
      1. userId | Integer
        User identifier.
      2. userLogin | String | required
      3. userRating | Integer
        User’s score.
      4. userIcons | Integer
        Additional information about a user. A bitmask: 1 - not activated account, 2 - Junior account, 4 - not registered user, 8 - “About me” page, 16 - Company account, 32 - shop, 64 - Super Seller (only in
      5. userCountry | Integer
        Identifier of a user’s country.
    13. itemCategoryId | Integer
      An identifier of the category where the offer is listed.
    14. itemWatchersCounter | Integer
      Number of offer watchers.
    15. itemViewsCounter | Integer
      Number of offer views.
    16. itemNote | String | required
      Content of a memo added to the offer.
    17. itemSpecialInfo | Integer
      Information whether an offer is marked as Standard Allegro [PL], Aukro Plus [CZ] or Super Offer [UA/KZ] (0 - no, 1 - yes). Note: Standard Allegro is deprecated
    18. itemShopInfo | Integer
      Information on whether it is a shop offer (0 - no, 1 - yes).
    19. itemProductInfo | Long
      Outdated field (will always return 0).
    20. itemPayuInfo | Integer
      Information on whether the offer enables payment via PayU (0 - no, 1 - yes).
    21. itemDurationInfo | DurationInfoStruct
      1. durationType | Integer
    Incorrect category identifier.
    Incorrect value of filterAutoListing parameter.
    Incorrect value of filterBids parameter.
    Incorrect value of filterFormat parameter.
    Incorrect value of filterFromStart parameter.
    Incorrect value of filterPriceFrom parameter (lesser than 0).
    Incorrect value of filter-price-range parameter (initial value of the scope is greater than the final value).
    Incorrect value of filterPriceTo parameter (lesser than 0).
    Incorrect value of filterToEnd parameter.
    Incorrect value of pageNumber parameter (lesser than 0).
    Incorrect value of pageSize parameter (lesser than 0 or greater than 1,000).
    Searched phrase contains unacceptable characters.
    Incorrect value of sortOrder parameter.
    Incorrect value of sortType parameter
    Invalid session identifier or the session has expired.
    Over 100 auction identifiers have been passed.
    WebAPI key used to generate the session has been deactivated (the key owner has not accepted WebAPI User Agreement).