Aukro WebAPI


This method allows to load a list of sale form's fields available in a selected country in a selected category. Each time constant fields for all categories are returned with a list of parameters available to be set in the category selected on input (on condition that the given category is the leaf). Selected fields can be used to e.g. build and fill out the form of listing a new offer using the doNewAuctionExt method.

  1. webapiKey | String | required
    User's WebAPI key.
  2. countryId | Integer
    Country identifier (a list of country identifiers can be loaded using the doGetCountries method).
  3. categoryId | Integer
    Category identifier (a list of category identifiers can be loaded using the doGetCatsData(Limit) method).
  1. sellFormFieldsForCategory | SellFormFieldsForCategoryStruct | required
    Array of structures containing information on sale form fields for the category.
    1. sellFormFieldsList | SellFormType[]
      Array of structures containing detailed information on sale form fields for the category.
      1. sellFormId | Integer
        Field identifier.
      2. sellFormTitle | String | required
        Field name.
      3. sellFormCat | Integer
        Identifier of category to which the field refers (it also relates to all subcategories of this category). 0 means that the parameter refers to all the categories.
      4. sellFormType | Integer
        Definition of a field type in sale form (1 - string, 2 - integer, 3 - float, 4 - combobox, 5 - radiobutton, 6 - checkbox, 7 - image (base64Binary), 8 - text (textarea), 9 - datetime (Unix time), 13 - date).
      5. sellFormResType | Integer
        Indication of a field type where the selected field value should be provided (1 - string, 2 - integer, 3 - float, 7 - image (base64Binary), 9 - datetime (Unix time), 13 - date).
      6. sellFormDefValue | Integer
        Default field value (for such fields as combobox/radiobutton/checkbox - on the basis of sellFormOptsValues).
      7. sellFormOpt | Integer
        Information on whether the field is obligatory (1 - obligatory, 8 - optional).
      8. sellFormPos | Integer
        Field position on the list of fields in the sale form. 0 means that sorting is alphabetical.
      9. sellFormLength | Integer
        Acceptable size (in characters) of the field value to be provided.
      10. sellMinValue | String | required
        Minimum field value to be provided (it refers to such fields as: int, float, combobox, checkbox, date; 0 means there is no lower limit).
      11. sellMaxValue | String | required
        Maximum field value to be provided (it refers to such fields as: int, float, combobox, checkbox, date; 0 means there is no upper limit).
      12. sellFormDesc | String | required
        Description of subsequent values that may be set for a field (it refers to such fields as combobox/radiobutton/checkbox).
      13. sellFormOptsValues | String | required
        Indication of specific values (relevant for descriptions mentioned above) which can be set for a particular field (it refers to such fields as combobox/radiobutton/checkbox; for checkbox fields, subsequent values can be summed up).
      14. sellFormFieldDesc | String | required
        Detailed field description.
      15. sellFormParamId | Integer
        Unique field identifier.
      16. sellFormParamValues | String | required
        Unique and fixed parameter value identifiers (it refers to such fields as combobox/radiobutton/checkbox).
      17. sellFormParentId | Integer
        Parent parameter identifier (his sellFormParamId - only for dependent parameters not being on top of hierarchy. If a parameter is not a dependent one or if it can be found on top of hierarchy of dependent parameters, 0 value will be returned in the field).
      18. sellFormParentValue | String | required
        Parent parameter value for which a related parameter can be used (only for dependent parameters. If a parameter is not a dependent one no value will be returned in the field).
      19. sellFormUnit | String | required
        Parameter unit (if it has been specified).
      20. sellFormOptions | Integer
        Additional parameter properties: 1 - dependent parameter; 2 - checkbox type parameter using the OR operator (with a possible selection of one or several values), if the value are not set parameter action is based on the AND operator; 6 - checkbox type parameter with a possible selection of only one value (in practice: combobox); 8 - range parameter.
    2. sellFormFieldsVersionKey | Long
      Version key value relevant for a selected country and WebAPI key provided.
    3. sellFormFieldsComponentValue | String | required
      Component version of sale form fields relevant for WebAPI key provided.
    Incorrect category identifier.
    Invalid country identifier (zero or empty value has been provided in the parameter).
    Problems with Allegro database.
    Expiry date of WebAPI key has been exceeded.
    Invalid value of WebAPI key or WebAPI key has been blocked.
    The session-generating WebAPI key has been deactivated (the owner did not accept the User Agreement).
    Problems with Aukro WebAPI service.