Aukro WebAPI


This method allows for loading information from the event log on events (start, end, making bid, purchase via Buy it Now!, change in an offer, cancelling bid) related to offers of a logged user (only data of offers created by a user in a country to which he/she is logged while calling the method are returned) or to all offers available on the platform. 100 of most recent events are returned (starting from the point set in the startingPoint parameter) sorted in ascending order by the time of their appearance. If the startingPoint parameter is 0 then 100 chronologically earliest events will be returned, which also the event log has an access to (usually these are data from recent 8-9 days). In order to control the process of loading next data portions (to get to the most recent data) the startingPoint parameter has to pass the rowId value of the last (hundredth) element returned when calling the method and you need to repeat the process until you receive a data portion containing less than 100 elements (that means the received data are up-to-date).

  1. sessionHandle | String | required
    User's session identifier received using the doLogin(Enc) method.
  2. startingPoint | Long
    Staring point which allows to control loading next data portions of information on the number of offer-related events (its value is provided in the rowId field of the siteJournalArray structure).
  3. infoType | Integer
    Scope of information returned (0 - only data on events in offers of a logged-in user, 1 - data on events in all offers on the site; 0 is set by default).
  1. siteJournalArray | SiteJournal[]
    Array of structures containing information on events related to offers.
    1. rowId | Long
      Identifier of a record containing information on an event.
    2. itemId | Long
      Offer identifier.
    3. changeType | String | required
      Event type (start - offer start, end - offer end, bid - making bid, now - purchase via Buy it Now!, change - change in an offer, cancel_bid - cancelling bid by a seller or an administrator).
    4. changeDate | Long
      Date of recording an event in the log (in the Unix time format).
    5. currentPrice | BigDecimal | required
      Current bid price (or 0 if the offer is of Buy it Now! type).
    6. itemSellerId | Long
      Seller's identifier.
    Incorrect value for the scope of returned data.
    Invalid session identifier or the session has expired.
    The session-generating WebAPI key has been deactivated (the owner did not accept the User Agreement).
    Problems with Aukro WebAPI service.