Aukro WebAPI


This method allows for loading values of all versioned components and enables preview of version keys for all countries.

  1. countryId | Integer
    Country identifier (a list of country identifiers can be loaded using the doGetCountries method).
  2. webapiKey | String | required
    User's WebAPI key.
  1. sysCountryStatus | SysStatusType[]
    Array of structures containing information on components and version keys.
    1. countryId | Integer
      Country identifier.
    2. programVersion | String | required
      Programme version.
    3. catsVersion | String | required
      Version of a category tree structure.
    4. apiVersion | String | required
      Aukro WebAPI service version.
    5. attribVersion | String | required
      Version of parameters.
    6. formSellVersion | String | required
      Version of sale form fields.
    7. siteVersion | String | required
      Version of platforms.
    8. verKey | Long
      Version key value.
    Invalid country identifier (zero or empty value has been provided in the parameter).
    Expiry date of WebAPI key has been exceeded.
    Invalid value of WebAPI key or WebAPI key has been blocked.
    The WebAPI key has been deactivated (User Agreement not accepted).
    Problems with Aukro WebAPI service.